How to create a landing page

  A landing page is usually used in the marketing world for the first page that a user will land on when they click a link from external sources, these include social media advertisements or emails. The user will click the link which will direct them to a page specifically created with the intent of getting them to execute an action.

Create your landing page in seconds:

Step Two: Make the Ultra-Fast page in 60 seconds.

Step Three: Publish Your Website/ Funnel Live In 1 Click
ae The Ultra-Fast Page In 60 seconds 

The main goal for a business is to get the user to land on the landing page, be presented with the offer, which in turn the user will make a conversion, such as buying a product or filling out a form as a potential lead. A landing page will need to stand out to the user and entice them to continue on the page and turn into a conversion or lead depending on what the owner is targeting.

In this article, we will show you what elements to include and how to include them to create the perfect landing page to increase average session length and maximize conversion rates. For businesses of any size, creating a landing page is a beneficial way to show users their products/services faster.


To start off your landing page, you’ll need a clear and engaging header that is visible to the visitor of the page. The header should say exactly what your USP (Unique Selling Point) is for the product/service you are providing, this should also have a short but catchy slogan. It is also beneficial to include a sub-paragraph after your header to provide a little description of the offer you are providing.


No one wants to be on a webpage that is lacking visual elements, most users engage and take in forms of media better than just standard bulky text all over the place. Nowadays, most users are just scanning a page and never fully reading all the information, this is why you should push towards putting more of your content in a visual way and shortening it. 

A video for example should be short, engaging and to the point, it should be 30 seconds long as well as providing the user with a good amount of information. Longer videos could put a strain on your SEO as it takes longer to load the page due to the size, and will also bore the user.

An Image should be relevant to what you’re talking about and befitting on the page, placement is key here. Whether you want to add the image on the side or inside the text is up to you but it needs to be in a place that convenience the user and not causes them to lose focus. Image SEO is also vital, do not forget about including the keywords in your images.


Branding and Logo placement is key, you want your page to have a consistent colour scheme, with a clear brand, plus good logo placement. On a high converting page, you want to have the logo seen to indicate you are the business that is behind the work. Not only does it increase brand awareness, but increases authority on the page and appeals to the visitors. Colour Scheme is vital as you do not want to change to different tones and hurt the eyes of the user, which will push them off the page, equalling a high bounce rate and you drop down in the ranks. Keeping the customer on the page as long as possible is vital, which is why your page should look aesthetically pleasing.


Having the right call to action in place is vital for a good conversion rate optimisation, they should make the user feel as though they should execute this specific action and they are getting the better end of the deal. An example of a call to action can be something such as “Input your email to receive this free offer”, this will make the user give their email to get the offer you are providing which will be an instant positive for them. Having CTAs around your landing page is good to direct your visitor, but do not overdo it as too much will cause alarm bells to ring and make it look a little bit fishy and scammy.

Conversion points indicate options such as buttons and enquiry forms that the user can fill in or click to contact or enquire further about your product or service. Conversion points should not be overused but should be big and bold so the user can see it on the landing page. Usually, some landing pages have a large enquiry form that takes one side of the page so it’s the first thing the user will see. I personally don’t think it’s the best and could be a little spammy, but it’s all down to personal preference for the owner. I would suggest having a different page for the enquiry form and using a conversion point such as a button to push them towards there, not only will you get more information on the landing page but you are getting rid of that indication that you are looking for something from the user.

These are some of the features which are quite important and could increase your conversion rate dramatically if done right!
