Secret Tips On How to Rank Fiverr Gigs on First Page in 2021

Secret Tips On How to Rank Fiverr Gigs on First Page in 2021

Are you having a hard time getting sales on Fiverr?

This is a completely comprehensive guide on ” How to rank Fiverr gigs ” and get lots of orders on Fiverr.

 2021 Solution!

Do you want to achieve your Target or?

Well, it completely depends on you, Do you want just to rank or get money as well? Of course, you want both

In spite of all, Fiverr made it easy to help you achieve your target.

where did you fail? unfortunately, some of us misunderstood the tricks and tactics
of earning online money. While others did it proficiently.

Have you ever thought that what is the thing which makes people earn
thousands of dollars from Fiverr? Skill and persistence.

Yes, That’s true. It is the aesthetic skill of a person that makes him earn a thousand dollars just by sitting at home. And the best part is that they do not sell their skills.

Instead, their skills make them stand out of a throng.

Factors that affect Fiverr’s Gig Ranking:

You might be looking for the hottest topic on Fiverr “How to Rank your Fiverr”

Gig on the First Page”. This is actually something important to know. Fiverr
ranks Gig SEO as the most searched article on the Internet.

Nevertheless, optimizing your Fiverr's profile is essential to get more orders from
the clients. Here are the factors that affect Fiverr's ranking;

The Gig’s views.
Orders in Queue.
Featured gig.

Fiverr Ranking System:

You might be familiar with the term Fiverr Search’s Algorithm?

This is the Fiverr Ranking System through which people are being ranked on the
basis of their work. This system ranks your Fiverr gig depending upon the number
of reviews you have received on your gig.

Also, it ranks your gig according to the conversion rate, gig description, and gig

Tips for Ranking your Fiverr Gigs

There was a time when making appealing gigs was the easiest task. But things change when transformation occurs.

Today Fiverr retains a different policy where there are uncountable competent, striving hard to get their gig the most top-ranked gig on Fiverr’s first page.

Now you might be thinking that how you can create interesting gigs that win

Don’t get upset. 2021 has brought you some of the unmatched tips to rank your
Fiverr gigs on the first page. These tricks will also be helpful in SEO ranking.

In this article, I will be guiding you with a few tips that will help you gain the
highest rank and can easily get your gig on the first page.


Firstly, you will need to have a good review to build trust for the buyers. More
reviews will help you get more clients.

The first step is to instantly do your first Fiverr order. You can do it by simply
asking your friends to purchase your service and review your gig with five stars.
But sometimes this does not work, because it is against Fiverr’s policy.

I will suggest that you send requests to the buyers for placing an order. This will
definitely help you in getting the Buyers.


Credible clients are like the ultimate blessings. However, trust is a significant
factor in building a healthy relationship with your clients. Having regular and
trustworthy clients helps you grow your business faster.

You can easily contact them afterward if you need any project for the future. Ask
them to provide you the projects that fall under your niche. In this way, you will
easily manage your ratings and a regular cash flow.

NOTICE: Do not feel hesitate to revise the projects. It is completely normal.
Satisfying your clients should be your topmost priority.

In case, if your project possesses any kind of mistake, feel free to revise it again.
This will create a good impression on the Buyer.


Alike Bloggers, you will need to do SEO of your Fiverr gig which results in appearing your gig at the top page while searching for the relevant topic.

This can be done by simply adding keywords to your article. Also, this helps you
find the answers to how to promote Fiverr gigs.

Where to add keywords in 
Fiverr Gig?

Keywords can be added to the following parts of your gig;

You can add keywords to your Gig title by simply adding the right keywords to tags helps you get the highest

Adding keywords to your description can be helpful.

The keywords can also appear in the URL of your gig.


The Average Selling Rate means the amount of money you have with your orders
are done on Fiverr.

If you are having all your orders consistently up to $50 then sooner your Average
The selling Rate will reach $50. Your gig is shown depending upon your Fiverr budget.

For example; your gig will be shown only when the buyer will select the budget
because the Average Selling Rate is completely dependent upon the budget of the
Buyer. It means that a more Average selling rate will increase more cash.


I suggest you do something which is named “The order to earn ratio; which means
that you have fewer orders but you earn even more. For this, you will need to have
an understanding of the Fiverr Search Algorithm.

If you are having trustworthy clients, ask them if they need a combined order of
about $50 to $100. This will definitely maintain a wonderful Average Selling Rate.


If you are looking for increasing the ranking rate of your Fiverr gig, then you will need to escalate your conversion rate also.

A conversion rate means how many of the client messages you to place an order. While conversing, you need to be completely confident about the services you are offering.

The more the conversion rates will be the more it will help you rank your gig
faster. If Fiverr will recognize that you are an active worker and giving benefits to
them, they will start giving opportunities to you.

Aren’t you cognizant of checking your Fiverr’s conversion rate? Worry not. You
can check it by simply installing the Fiverr App and check out the percentage on
the front page of your account.


With social media websites, you can promote your Fiverr gig without any trouble.
Social media websites commonly Facebook, Instagram, Linkedln, and Pinterest are
the platforms through which you can advertise your gig. Fiver wants you to market
your services everywhere.

Here is the complete guide on 7 best ways to promote Fiverr gigs

For promoting your Fiverr gig, you will need to have an account on Facebook,
Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, and others. After creating an account, the
next step is to work on that account.

Now you can post the products and services you want to spread. Sharing your
Fiverr gigs make you grow the ranking of Fiverr gigs quickly.


Create Facebook, WhatsApp groups, and pages. Actively post your Fiverr gigs in
these groups and pages. The more the people will look at your gig, the more there
will be the orders you receive on your gig.

Ask your friends to like your posts this would be beneficial in increasing the
trustworthy clients.


Increasing the rankings of your Fiverr gig requires you to be an active media user.
Staying online for 24 hours is something compulsory for getting more clients. If
you will be actively online for all 24 hours, the buyer will definitely choose you for
the project.

In case, if you are not active, then the buyer will look for other Active Sellers. If
you want to stay active for 24 hours then you will have to install the Fiverr app to
your smartphone device.

If you are comfortable using a laptop for being active. It's perfectly fine. Use a
laptop to get connected to your Fiverr account but make sure that you do not lose
the internet connection. Using a laptop looks more professional.


If you want to increase the chances of being hired, again and again, you will have to create multiple gigs comprising of the same category but with different

For example, while working on WordPress, you are required to create two gigs. One is for Buy Fixing and the other is for the WordPress Speed Optimisation.

I am pretty sure that the Fiverr gig ranking tips will definitely score your highest
ranking on the first page of Fiverr.


Check out the gigs of the people of the same Niche and then compared them by
yours. You will get ideas in this way. There is no strict policy against creating
numerous gigs. You can create gigs even more than one or two times.


With the rapid increase in the rate of competition, it has become difficult to rank
your gig among the best gigs on the first page. At this point, pressurizing yourself
is not a solution.

Readers, you have to be an upper-level seller on Fiverr It is the Fiverr's seller level
that helps you promote your Fiverr gigs. A step-by-step process is required to
become a one-level seller.

Firstly, you would have to score $400 in total. And if you want to become a second-level seller, then your Net earnings should be $2000. Don’t worry. It will just take a
a month or a two to become a Level One Seller or about 4 to 5 months to become a
Level Two Seller.

It is completely linked with the niche you are working in and how much you have
earned through that niche.


If you are already having many sources of income but still want to increase
your money and looking towards Fiverr to achieve your goals, then I have a
recommendation for you.

Isn’t it cool to create a buyer account without making it on your internet
connection? Yes, create a Fiverr Buyer account and place two to three new orders
containing a higher amount of money.

This will be helpful in reaching your money at a higher level instantly. When the
Fiverr will notice that your earning is so fast, it will assuredly promote your gig
which results in increasing your gig ranking.


Freelancing can be a quite tough job sometimes especially when you are new to it.
It entails you to take regular orders on a daily basis.

If you are new to this field, let me tell you, you will have to do active participation
at the beginning of your career. You may get success if and only if you are
determined to do your tasks regularly.

For making your gig the highest-ranked gig, you need to take orders regularly and
get them done on time. Do not drag projects for two or three days.

Try to take orders on a regular basis. This will not only be helpful in ranking your
gig but also increases your experience.


For taking orders on a regular basis you need to contact your regular clients. Ask
your old or regular clients if they have any fresh work. This is useful in building
trust as well as getting new orders.


The earlier you get the visitors, the more there are chances of the highest ranking.
Making your Fiverr gig an impressive one is the most essential task. This requires
you to give your gig an early exposure.

Promote your Fiverr gig everywhere. But make sure that your gig does not possess
any inappropriate collection of words.

Your Fiverr gig might have an appealing and spectacular word choice. The content
should be very aesthetically described.

It neither possesses any grammatical mistake nor has the plagiarized context. Instead,
the content must be captivating. Only well-ordered content with a certain
understanding can help your gig rate the highest ranking.


Never edit your gig title once it is completed. While creating your gig,
always add the gig title correctly on the first page otherwise your URL will
be changed.
Make corrections at once. Do not change the image of your gig again and
again. This will create problems.
Asking the Buyers for reviews puts a bad impression on you. So, avoid
asking people to give you good reviews.
The Fiverr app possesses a bit different feature. Therefore, make a little use of Fiverr’s App to avoid any mistakes.
You need to read out Fiverr’s terms and conditions once. In case, of not reading them, you might make mistakes and your account will be deleted by Fiverr.
Do not copy the idea and content of other buyers belonging to the same
niche. It will be good if you just take an overview of other sellers and
construct your content accordingly.
Outsourcing work does not benefit you. If you are outsourcing only for $5,
Fiverr will get $1 from your money. The remaining amount will be divided
into two halves. Out of which you will get only $2, which is a very less
amount. Therefore, avoid this slow process of learning.
Be confident and do not think that you are not desired for this job. You need
to be fully confident and work on every project belonging to your category.


Before you leave, let me tell you that nothing is absurd. If you are looking for wonderful ideas on how to rank Fiverr gigs, you are in the right place.

Here you can assuredly get one of the best ideas of 2020 for increasing the
the rank of your Fiverr gigs and making them reach on to the first page.

But one thing I want to say is that you can't rank your Fiverr gig until and unless
you do not follow the instructions mentioned above in the article. Therefore, giving
this article a read would help you prosper your way towards success.
